Barista CV example
Written by Mike Potter, Author • Last updated on May 14, 2024

Barista CV Example, Tips and Guide for Success

Expertly crafting a perfect cup of coffee and serving it with a smile can make a customer’s day. If this sort of role appeals, working on your CV can help you stand out from other applicants. In this guide, we explain how to write the perfect barista CV, providing tips to help you catch the attention of employers.

Key Sections to Include in CV

The structure and layout of your barista CV can make all the difference when it comes to crafting a strong job application. Make sure your CV has the following sections to help show you’ve got the experience, skills and qualifications for the job:

The first section to include in your CV for barista roles is the header. Add your name in bold or a larger font than the rest of the document. Under this, include your email address, phone number and your address or location. 

CV objective or summary

The CV objective provides a brief introduction that makes an impact and compels employers to read on. Write two or three sentences explaining what makes you a good barista. Reference your skills and experience, and your ambitions in applying for the role. If you don’t have previous barista experience, concentrate on your transferable skills, enthusiasm and willingness to learn.

Here’s an example barista CV objective:

A passionate barista with five years’ experience at a major global coffee chain. Excellent customer service skills, with an emphasis on speed of service and producing consistently outstanding drinks. Seeking to gain more responsibility and deepen my knowledge of coffee with a reputable independent café and roastery.

Work experience

Traditionally, next comes your work history. If you don’t have much relevant experience, you could place this lower, with your education and skills more prominent.

Reference any relevant jobs you’ve had, starting with your current or most recent role. Include your job title, the name of the employer, its location and the dates you worked there. Under each entry, write bullet points summarising your duties and achievements. Make sure you match these to the requirements in the job description, so you can demonstrate your suitability for the role.

See an example work experience CV section below:

Barista, Coffee Freaks, Wandsworth, November 2019 – present

  • Customer-facing barista at ‘best independent café’ in Wandsworth (Wandsworth Guardian, 2021 & 2022), serving up to 200 orders per day
  • Producing high-quality coffee to order with intricate latte art and an emphasis on beautifully balanced flavours
  • Supervising part-time weekend staff and training new employees on the use of Marzocco Linea machines
  • Handling and resolving customer-service enquiries and complaints, contributing to a 4.8 out of 5 Tripadvisor score (220 reviews)


Although there’s often no minimal educational requirement for barista positions, listing your qualifications can help you stand out from other candidates. Start with your highest or most recent qualification, mentioning any education that could be relevant to the role. Include the course name and award level, the institution and your dates of study or graduation.

You could format your education section like this:

NCFE Level 1 Certificate in Customer Service, West Thames College, 2021
A-levels in Business Studies, Art and English Literature, Ark Putney Academy, 2018

Hard skills

The skills section of your CV is an opportunity to prove you’ve got what it takes to become a barista. If you’re an experienced barista, you could divide this section into hard and soft skills (see below) to showcase your specific coffee making skills. Otherwise, you might wish to have one general skills section. Refer to the job description to see what skills the employer is looking for, and make sure your skills section covers these.

A hard skills section for a barista CV might include the following:

  • Operation and maintenance of Marzocco Linea coffee machines
  • In-depth knowledge of coffee beans and roasting
  • Outstanding customer service
  • Point-of-sale software systems
  • Stock-taking and managing supplies

Soft skills

Soft skills are transferable skills that can help you be a better employee and colleague. Only list soft skills that are relevant to the job description, and avoid adding vague, generic skills.

Take a look at this example of a soft skills CV section:

  • Problem-solving
  • Conflict resolution
  • Training and supervising teams
  • Working under pressure

Optional sections

There are several optional sections you could add to your CV. These include certifications or training courses, such as first-aid or customer service training. You might also wish to include languages, hobbies and interests or volunteer work if they demonstrate skills and experience relevant to the job. In a crowded field of applicants, these details could help you progress to the interview stage.

Tips for Writing the Role-Specific CV

Follow these key tips to write the perfect barista CV:

Choose a suitable CV format

You can choose from various CV formats, depending on your experience. The most common type of CV is the reverse chronological CV. This places your work experience as the first section under your header and CV objective. However, barista jobs are often entry-level positions and you may not have much real-world work experience. As such, you may decide to use a CV format that emphasises your skills and education over your work history. This is called a functional or skills-based CV.

Tailor your CV to the job description

Hiring managers are much more likely to respond positively to your CV if you’ve taken the time to tailor it. Generic CVs or resumes that you use for every job application are unlikely to stand out. Refer closely to the job advert for indications of what the employer is searching for in candidates, and make sure your CV reflects this.

Quantify your achievements

It’s important to quantify your achievements for each job you include in your CV. This helps employers see the difference you made, and what you might bring to the position. Add figures and evidence of your success, such as the number of customers you served per day, customer satisfaction scores, or increased profits.

Keep your CV concise

As a rule, the shorter the CV, the better. Keep your CV concise, using bullet points where possible. Two pages of A4 should easily be enough space to showcase your skills and experience. If you can edit it down to one side of A4, this is even better. If you want to expand upon the details in your CV, you can do this in your cover letter.

Use a professional CV design

Using a clean, professional CV design can help it to stand out in a crowded field of applicants. CV templates can also help you to format your document in a way that presents the information in a clear, readable format. Jobseeker’s CV examples and templates can help you design a beautiful CV that makes an impact with employers.

Key Takeaways/Conclusion

Creating a professional, structured and well-designed CV can make all the difference for your barista job applications. Make sure you clearly show how you meet the job description and quantify your achievements to prove your worth to employers. If you’re light on relevant work experience, use a skill-based format that places your skills and education above your job history.

Jobseeker’s CV templates can help you create the perfect CV for your applications. Select from clean, contemporary designs and start building your CV today. You can also find cover letter templates to help you write this important document, and a barista cover letter example for inspiration.

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Mike Potter
Mike Potter
Mike Potter is an experienced copywriter specialising in careers and professional development. He uses extensive knowledge of workplace culture to create insightful and actionable articles on CV writing and career pathways.

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