About us
Making job searching easier from A to Z.
Jobseeker was founded with a clear objective: to create an all-in-one platform that offers effective tools that simplify the job seeking journey. And we have been there for millions of job seekers every step of the way: from creating a CV and cover letter to searching for jobs and keeping track of your applications. We even have a dedicated blog to help you learn how to get ahead in your career and find the best match for you, whether it is a CV or a resume you need.
Launched in early 2021, our toolbox has helped tens of millions of job seekers throughout their job search. Today, with a dedicated team, Jobseeker is available in 26 languages and more than 195 countries – helping millions in their journey to find the job of their dreams. The Jobseeker brand follows the values we have as a team: user-centric, adaptive, transparent, and factual. We are here to assist job seekers in the best way possible, from A to Z – with reliable tools, easy steps, and comprehensive guides.
Jobseeker in numbers
- 15 million users worldwide
- 1.712 articles for career guidance
- 26 languages available
Jobseeker by features
- Access to jobs worldwide
- Easily track your applications
- Intuitive CV and cover letter builder
- AI-assisted suggestions to help you
4.4 / 5
Based on 37,376 reviews
Adrian Hinckley
Very helpful with excellent templates. Easy to use.
Great website. Easy and cool UI/UX. Keep up the good work.
Anthony Adler
Really good, user friendly and easy to put together a nice CV. Definitely helpful in my recent (successful, yay!) job hunt.
Craig N
Really simple to use tool, helped me find a new job :)
Emily Sterrett
Was very easy to use and took very little time.