Accountant Cover Letter Example
Written by Sarah Edwards, Author • Last updated on April 22, 2024

Accounting cover letter example

Accountants are responsible for evaluating and managing financial information and processes for organizations and individuals. This involves preparing tax returns and financial statements, bookkeeping, budgeting, auditing, forecasting, and consulting on all of these functions. If accounting is your dream job, learn more about crafting an accounting cover letter that will help you get hired.

Why an accountant-specific cover letter matters

Whether you use cover letter templates or not, you should tailor your cover letter to the accounting profession. Doing so allows you to speak about industry-specific skills in depth, which is much more impactful than using generalized language.

Since your resume will primarily focus on your hard technical, mathematical, and analytical skills, a profession-specific cover letter gives you space to speak about the soft skills you possess, such as project management, analytic reasoning, emotional intelligence, and strategy.

These skills aren’t relevant to all jobs, so addressing them in your accounting cover letter conveys your enthusiasm for and commitment to the profession.

Key components of an accounting-specific cover letter

First, your accountant cover letter should address your unique selling point. What makes you the best fit for the company? Whether it's a wide array of certifications, specialized technical skills, or diverse experiences, it’s important to show the hiring manager right away why they should strongly consider you for the position.

It’s also important to address your current position and responsibilities.

What are you currently doing that’s prepared you for the job you’re applying for? How does this connect with your ultimate goal to serve the target organization? It’s especially important to address these points if the job you’re applying for has more seniority or responsibility than your current position.

You’ll also want to talk about your accomplishments. Accounting is a results-driven industry in which clients expect you to save them time and money. As such, it’s essential to show hiring managers how you’ve done so in the past.

Finally, make it a point to write about your personal values and how they inform your work. Your hard skills aren’t the only important aspect of your candidacy. Hiring managers also want to know how your emotional intelligence and sense of integrity help you please clients while staying committed to doing the right thing.

Accountant cover letter format

Formatting your accountant cover letter example should be the easiest part of the process. Here’s a simple template you can use to get started:

Your Name
Your Email Address
Your Phone Number
Your City, State

Hiring Manager’s Name
Company Name
Company Address
Company City, State


Dear (Hiring Manager Name)

  • Opening Paragraph: Express interest in the position and explain where you discovered it
  • Second Paragraph: Detail your current role and related responsibilities
  • Third Paragraph: Write about your related accomplishments, values, and motivations
  • Closing Paragraph: Thank the reader, express anticipation for follow-up, and state the preferred contact method


Your Name

Attachments: Resume enclosed

Sample cover letter for accountants

John Farris 929-6281
Houston, TX 77089

Amy Porter
Synergy Logistics
2205 N Loop W, Suite 315
Houston, TX 77092

October 23, 2023

Dear Mrs. Porter,

My name is John Farris. I am writing to you to express my interest in the open Senior Accountant position at Synergy Logistics, which I learned about through an online job board.

As a native Houstonian whose family spent a lot of time on our busy highways, your company logo brings back fond memories of family trips to Hermann Park and Burns Barbeque. Your company is more than just another local business — it’s part of the fabric of our great city. I would love the opportunity to contribute the skills I’ve developed to further the undeniable legacy you’ve built.

In my current position, I provide accounting services for Hamen Health Systems in North Houston. In addition to the expected tasks of preparing tax returns, producing financial statements, and managing the general ledger, I also provide oversight for the forecasting and budgeting process. Because of my diverse background and prior experience in sales, I have been able to use my skills to help improve forecasting accuracy by 75% by revamping our recordkeeping practices so our financial team always has access to real-time data.

One thing that continually captures my interest regarding Synergy Logistics is the company’s commitment to giving back to the community. Such generosity is firmly in line with my own personal values.

I consider it a constant goal to remain focused on helping others in everything I do. I accomplish this by providing pro bono accounting services to the Houston Health Foundation, as well as by investing in future accountants through a mentorship program at the University of Houston’s Downtown Campus. It’s my hope that I can partner with your team at Synergy Logistics to do the same.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and learn more about who I am and what I’ve accomplished throughout my career. I hope that something in these paragraphs piques your interest.

I’d love to set up a time to talk more about the position and how I can use my unique expertise to help your company reach its strategic goals. I’m available any time via email for follow-up or to answer any questions you may have. I look forward to speaking with you soon.


John Farris

Attachment: Resume enclosed

Dos and don’ts

As you write your accounting cover letter, it’s important to adhere to a few best practices while avoiding common mistakes:


  • Do keep the letter short so as not to overwhelm the reader
  • Do ensure that your letter is mobile-friendly by using short paragraphs
  • Do allow your personality to shine through by writing in your authentic voice
  • Do quantify your accomplishments, as numbers communicate results powerfully
  • Do proofread your work before submitting your application


  • Don’t use too much accounting jargon — make sure you sound like a real person
  • Don’t simply restate everything that’s already on your resume
  • Don’t call attention to skills gaps, especially when you can use this space to explain how you continue to develop yourself professionally
  • Don’t just duplicate random cover letter and resume examples — take time to customize them

Writing a cover letter takes effort, but these do’s and don’t can help you create one that’s both technically sound and memorable.

Additional tips

First and foremost, it’s important to double-check that your cover letter is addressed to the right person. If you aren’t sure who the hiring manager is for the position you’re seeking, try asking your recruiter, searching through the LinkedIn profiles of people who work there, or calling the company directly to ask. 

Another way to stand out in your accountant-specific cover letter is to let the hiring manager know what you’re doing to stay up to date with evolving laws and best practices. Compliance rules change often, and they’ll appreciate knowing how you plan to stay in line with the law.

Finally, it’s a good idea to use select keywords from the job description to ensure that your cover letter will make it past any electronic application screening systems the company uses. After all, you’re writing this cover letter with the hope that the hiring manager will eventually read it.

An excellent accountant cover letter can help you land your dream job

When using an accounting cover letter example, candidates should make an effort to tailor it to address what hiring managers are looking for.

Always use professional language and avoid calling attention to any skill or experience gaps. At the same time, it’s important to let your authentic voice shine through and articulate your responsibilities and accomplishments in a way that highlights their potential value.

Writing an excellent cover letter can seem difficult, but it doesn’t have to be, especially when you use the right accounting cover letter and resume template. Start creating your accountant-specific cover letter today with Jobseeker’s professional tools.

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Sarah Edwards
Sarah Edwards
A seasoned HR writer with more than a decade of experience, Sarah crafts insightful guides and timely articles that help people grow their skills.

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