Engineer Resume Example
Written by Sarah Edwards, Author • Last updated on April 22, 2024

Engineer Resume Example

An engineer’s role can vary significantly, but it generally involves applying scientific and mathematical concepts to develop solutions to technical problems. While showcasing these skills in a job application is tough, a great resume will help you stand out from other applicants and land an interview. With that in mind, here are some engineering resume examples to help you prepare your application.

Key sections to include in an engineer resume

Employers will always ask for a resume and cover letter. When reviewing an engineering resume example or template, you’ll usually encounter the following sections:

Start with your full name and contact information, including your phone number, email, and LinkedIn profile. Make sure this section is clear and easily located at the top of your resume, like so:

John Doe
123 Engineering Lane, Techville, TX 75001
(555) 123-4567

You’ll notice that cover letter examples also include headers. A header is a fundamental part of practically every professional document, as it lets the recipient know who sent it and what kind of information it contains. 

Resume objective

In three to four sentences, summarize your professional background, key skills, and what you aim to bring to the role.

For example, you might write something like, “Detail-oriented mechanical engineer with five years of experience in product design and development. Proven track record in improving product efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Seeking to leverage my technical and collaborative skills to drive innovation and excellence in engineering.” 

Work Experience

Next, list your work experience in reverse chronological order, highlighting any key responsibilities and achievements. For instance, if you’re a civil engineer, you might mention a project where you successfully designed and supervised the construction of a bridge, ensuring that it was completed on time and within budget.

Your work experience section might look something like this:

Engineering Intern – SunPower Solutions, Austin, TX

June 2020–August 2020

  • Assisted in the design and testing of solar panel prototypes, improving efficiency by 10%
  • Conducted thermal analysis using ANSYS software, contributing to the development of a new heat management system
  • Collaborated with a team of engineers and technicians, providing vital support in research and development tasks

List your most recent experience first and work down from there. While this may sound counterintuitive, employers want to see what you’ve accomplished lately, especially if you’ve been in the profession for decades. 


Include your highest educational attainment. List your degree, the institution where you studied, and your graduation year. If you’re a recent graduate or new engineer, you can also include relevant coursework or academic projects.

Here’s an example:

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

University of Texas, Austin, TX

Graduated May 2021

  • GPA: 3.8
  • Capstone Project: Designed and developed a wind turbine prototype that increased energy efficiency by 15%
  • Relevant Coursework: Renewable Energy Systems, Thermal Engineering, Fluid Mechanisms

If you have lots of relevant engineering work experience, omit specifics about your educational accomplishments and simply list your degree, the university, and the year you graduated. 

Hard skills

Hard skills are technical abilities specific to the engineering profession. They might include proficiency in CAD software, knowledge of specific programming languages, or experience with certain engineering methodologies.

Here are more examples:

  • Proficient in SolidWorks and AutoCAD
  • Experienced in thermal analysis and fluid dynamics
  • Knowledgeable about renewable energy systems, especially solar and wind energy technologies
  • Skilled in programming languages: Python and MATLAB

As you write your cover letter, you’ll have an opportunity to showcase how you’ve used these skills to excel as an engineering professional.

While you don’t want to repeat the same information in both documents, they should complement one another. For instance, if you list AutoCAD as a hard skill on your engineer resume, try to work it into your cover letter as well. 

Soft skills

Soft skills are abilities that aren’t job-specific but are nonetheless vital to your success in the role for which you’re applying. As an engineer, you must be good at problem-solving, communication, and teamwork. Highlight situations where you’ve successfully used these skills in a professional setting.

Some soft skills to highlight include:

  • Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities
  • Effective communicator, both in team settings and presentations
  • Proven leadership skills demonstrated in academic projects and internships
  • Highly organized, with the ability to manage multiple projects and meet deadlines

Make it a point to connect the skills listed in your engineering resume with those mentioned in your cover letter. Provide a brief example of how you used these skills in your previous roles.

Optional sections

There are several optional sections you can include in your resume. While not required, these sections help make your resume more complete and distinguish you from other applicants.

Here are some optional sections to consider including:

  • Certifications: List any relevant certifications, such as a professional engineer license or certs in specific software tools
  • Languages: Being multilingual can be an advantage, especially in global companies, but keep in mind that employers may want to test your proficiency in any secondary languages, so be honest about your skill level
  • Hobbies and Interests: Only include these if they add value to your application; for example, hobbies that demonstrate problem-solving, such as being a regional chess champion, can be relevant to an engineer
  • Volunteer Work: This can showcase your commitment to the community and desire to sharpen your teamwork skills

Check out our engineering resume templates for a breakdown of how these sections could fit into your resume. We also recommend reviewing our engineer cover letter example. No matter what type of documents your prospective employer requests, these resources will help you deliver.

Tips for writing the engineer-specific resume

Now that we’ve shown some engineering resume examples, let’s explore some practical tips you can use to create a role-specific resume.

Remember, your resume is more than just a list of your qualifications — it’s your professional story, tailored to catch the eye of your future employer. That’s why it’s important to do the following.

  • Choose the right format: For engineers, the reverse-chronological format usually works best. This layout focuses on your work history, showcasing your most recent job experience first. It’s straightforward and familiar to recruiters, emphasizing your progression and achievements in the engineering field. Clarity and structure are key, so keep your engineering resume neat and easy to read. 
  • Tailor your resume to each job: Every engineering job is unique, so your resume should be, too. Carefully read the job description for each role you apply for and tweak your resume to match. If a job emphasizes teamwork and collaboration, make sure your resume highlights experiences where you’ve excelled in team settings. If technical skills like proficiency in a specific software are crucial, they should be displayed prominently in your skills section.
  • Quantify your achievements: Numbers speak louder than words, especially in engineering. Whenever possible, quantify your achievements. For example, instead of saying, “Contributed to designing a new product,” be more specific: “Led a team in designing a new turbine blade, improving energy efficiency by 15%.” This not only shows what you did but also conveys the measurable impact of your work. 
  • Don’t underestimate soft skills: While technical processes are essential, don’t overlook your soft skills. Engineers need to be able to communicate complex ideas clearly, collaborate with teams, and sometimes manage projects or people. Highlight instances where you’ve successfully used soft skills like leadership, communication, or problem-solving. 
  • Include relevant projects: If you’ve worked on any noteworthy projects or studies relevant to the job you’re applying for, mention them. Detail the project, your specific role, the skills you utilized, and the project’s outcome. Doing so reinforces your experience and shows your ability to apply your knowledge in practical scenarios. 
  • Keep it brief: An effective engineering resume is concise and to the point. Aim for a maximum of two pages — a single page is generally ideal. Keep your sentences short and focused. Your goal is to communicate your value efficiently while being respectful of the hiring team’s time.

The tips above also apply to engineering cover letters. By making use of these simple concepts, you can create a crisp, engaging, and eye-catching resume.

Explore Jobseeker’s engineer resume examples 

Reviewing engineering resume examples and using the tips in our engineer resume guide will help you stand out as an applicant and get noticed by employers. As you begin working on your engineer resume and cover letter, take the time to make a detailed list of your skills, abilities, work experience, education, and certifications. 

If you want some additional support or would like to review more resume examples engineering businesses are sure to love, check out Jobseeker’s extensive suite of job applicant tools. From cover letter templates to engineering resume examples, you’ll find all the resources you need on Jobseeker.

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Sarah Edwards
Sarah Edwards
A seasoned HR writer with more than a decade of experience, Sarah crafts insightful guides and timely articles that help people grow their skills.

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