Time Management Skills: Resume Tips to Stand Out
Written by Sarah Edwards, Author • Last updated on June 19, 2024

How to showcase time management skills on your resume

Time management skills are critical in just about every industry, from office administration to legal, financial, research, educational, and technical roles. Showcasing these skills on a resume demonstrates productivity, efficiency, and the ability to prioritize tasks. Discover how to highlight your time management skills and help hiring managers see how you can get the job done effectively.

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Why time management skills matter 

As workloads continue to increase, employees must find ways to ensure their tasks get done to keep the company moving toward its goals. (1) Hiring managers value candidates who can use their time well because it shows that a potential employee can manage their responsibilities with both urgency and care.

They’ll also know that someone who manages time well won’t be a burden to the team because they can meet deadlines. Finally, hiring managers understand that employees who manage their time well are less likely to experience burnout at work and find it easier to maintain their well-being through a better work-life balance.

Key time management skills to highlight 

When hiring managers are hunting for candidates with time management skills, resumes provide valuable insight. While you can tell them what you’re good at in a cover letter, it’s best to demonstrate it on your resume. 

If you’re unsure about where to start, here are seven time management skills that you can put on your resume to communicate this ability to employers.


Prioritization involves deciding which tasks are most important and having the urgency to tackle those tasks first. This way, if you’re not able to finish all your tasks in a day, you’ve done what is necessary to keep everyone progressing toward the goal.


Scheduling goes hand-in-hand with prioritization. It involves knowing what you have on your plate and arranging projects so that the most important tasks get done quickly. Scheduling also involves understanding your energy levels and making sure you’re completing important tasks when you’re at your best.


This time-management method involves dividing your schedule into blocks of time during which you focus on only one thing. For many people, this helps minimize distractions so they can maximize productivity and focus.


Sometimes, your job may require you to focus on multiple things at once and still be able to get them all done. Having the ability to multitask ensures you can still be productive even when the circumstances aren’t ideal.


Delegation is the ability to assign tasks to others. To do this correctly, you need solid leadership skills coupled with an in-depth knowledge of your team’s capacity and each person’s strengths and weaknesses. 

If you assign an important task to someone who isn’t strong in that area, it may take them longer to complete it, which could impact project timelines.


Communicating effectively (especially under pressure) boosts your time management skills because it helps you clearly set expectations, reducing misunderstandings and constant questioning that can take time away from productivity. 

Additionally, strong communication helps you improve your collaboration with others so that projects progress smoothly and hit fewer roadblocks. 


The more advanced skills you learn, the more efficient you become at your job. What used to be difficult and take lots of time becomes much easier and less time-consuming when you know what you’re doing. As you learn, you can develop new and better workflows that help you get things done.

Incorporating time management skills in resume (with examples)

Undoubtedly, it can be challenging to illustrate time management skills. Resumes may not seem like the right place to highlight these skills, but it’s actually one of the most effective methods. 

Fortunately, you can display these skills no matter the resume format you use. Learn more about two common ways candidates show employers they’ve got what it takes to manage their workload well.


The skills section is probably the easiest way to incorporate time management skills. However, it may be best to avoid simply listing “time management” as a skill all on its own. Instead, try listing a specific skill of value that demonstrates time management. This can include prioritization, time-blocking, or continuous learning.

Work experience

Incorporating time management skills into the work experience section of your resume must be done more intentionally. The key to doing it well lies in your ability to use powerful action verbs coupled with quantifiable achievements to showcase your skills and the impact they have had on organizations you worked with. Here are a few examples:

  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement employee training that reduced security incidents by 42%
  • Managed appointment schedule for senior sales associates, prioritizing key accounts to achieve 57% growth year over year
  • Developed and implemented password protocol to reduce unauthorized network use by 32% in six weeks

In these examples, action verbs like “collaborated,” “managed,” “prioritizing,” “developed,” and “implemented” help to show that the candidate is productive and decisive and knows how to manage people and time to secure results. Quantifying achievements shows the impact of good time management and how it pays off.

Expert Tip:

Make sure the action verb you use matches with the skill you want to convey. For example, if you want to show how you were decisive and saved time, you can use a word like “implemented.” To show how you were able to juggle multiple priorities, use “managed” or “maintained.” A word like “enforced” showcases delegation and communication.

Tailor time management skills for different applications 

Just like everything else on your resume, you should tailor your time management skills for each application you complete. One way to do this is to make sure you read the job description thoroughly to figure out which specific time management skills your potential employer is looking for and tweak your resume examples to incorporate them. 

Remember that employers may not say outright that they want someone who can “prioritize key accounts” or “delegate tasks.” Instead, the job description may call for someone who can “help the sales team work more effectively” or “focus on strategic goals.” 

You may have to figure out which time management skills to showcase based on what the employer wants. Additionally, you may want to think about the seniority of the role and which time management skills are most useful at a particular level. 

For example, managers and supervisors often need prioritization, communication, and delegation skills, while entry-level employees may need time-blocking, multitasking, and other time management-related office skills.

When it comes to demonstrating time management skills, resumes offer multiple ways to get the job done. Though not commonly talked about in resume articles, one of the best methods involves incorporating a dedicated projects section. You can list the name of each project you worked on, your role or job title, and the dates of participation. 

To properly communicate the scope of the project, you can include details on the size of your team, how many people you supervised, the duration, and budget size. Then, you can use action verbs and quantified results to communicate time management skills and outcomes achieved.

You can also incorporate projects into the section that best categorizes them. For example, a project you completed in college may go in the education section, while one you worked on with your previous employer would be better suited for the work experience section. 

You may also consider adding projects and achievements to your professional summary, which can act as a small cover letter sample or preview of sorts.

Hiring managers value candidates who can use their time well because it shows that a potential employee can manage their responsibilities with both urgency and care.

If you have good time management skills, resumes are the best way to show them off

Time management skills are valuable to employers because they position you as a highly capable candidate who understands the importance of getting the job done right and on time. 

Instead of just telling your employer you have time management skills, it’s much better to show them. You can do this by listing valuable skills in a dedicated skills or project section, or you can incorporate them into other sections using strong verbs and quantified results.

If you’re looking for help showcasing your best skills to a potential employer, take advantage of Jobseeker resources. From resume articles filled with expert advice to professional resume and cover letter templates, we have what you need to craft a polished application that highlights the right traits to help you land the job you want.


(1) Human Resources Director: Heavy workloads see more employees burned out: report

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Sarah Edwards
Sarah Edwards
A seasoned HR writer with more than a decade of experience, Sarah crafts insightful guides and timely articles that help people grow their skills.

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