How to Structure and Write a Bilingual Resume
Written by Sarah Edwards, Author • Last updated on July 5, 2024

Bilingual resume — How to structure and write one

When creating a resume, bilingual candidates need to subtly showcase their second-language proficiency while also highlighting their other skills and abilities. This involves more than simply listing “bilingual” on resume skill sections. If you’re wondering how to put “bilingual” on resumes in a way that helps you land an interview, check out this helpful guide. You’ll learn how to strike a balance between highlighting your extremely valuable language skills and illustrating that you are a complete candidate.

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Creating a bilingual resume

A bilingual resume will help you adapt to your local job market and showcase yourself as a suitable candidate. A bilingual resume can demonstrate your versatility and readiness to engage in diverse work environments, making you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.

However, it’s vital that you adapt to the nuances of the market you are applying for. This means understanding the slight differences between the many types of bilingual resumes. 

For instance, the style and length of a Spanish resume will vary slightly from that of an English resume. The same concept applies when writing a French resume versus an English CV. Employers in these nations expect more personal information than American businesses. However, each country values slightly different details.  

Benefits of a bilingual resume

A bilingual resume highlights your proficiency in a second language. Many employers value bilingual workers and may even prioritize your application due to your increased ability to meet the company’s needs. 

According to Forbes, 90% of employers rely on workers who speak a second language to support business expansion and development efforts. Of these businesses, 56% reported that their demand for bilingual employees “will soar” over the next five years. (1)

Showcasing your ability to speak another language proficiently can help you progress to the interview stage and land your dream job. Do you need help crafting your bilingual resume? If so, check out our resume articles for detailed insights about making yourself stand out as a job seeker. 

Differences between a bilingual resume and an English resume

The main difference between a bilingual and a single-language resume is the length and complexity of the document. A bilingual resume must adequately showcase your proficiency in a second language without detracting from the other aspects of the document. 

You cannot simply state that you are “bilingual” in the skills section, especially if you are a non-native speaker. You should outline the steps you’ve taken to build your language skills and convey that you are proficient. 

“A bilingual resume can demonstrate your versatility and readiness to engage in diverse work environments, making you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.”

Structure of a bilingual resume

The structure of a bilingual resume is important. When you get it right, you will make your document more impactful overall and help you show off your language skills

While you must tailor the resume to your personal background and unique skill set, you should also include some foundational elements to make the document easy to read. Your document should include the following elements and structure: 


Every job application document should have a concise title to label what it is and what information it contains. Use terminology consistent with standard practices of the job market and employer preferences. 

For instance, if the employer’s job posting asks for a “resume,” use that terminology in your title. If they request a CV, label your document accordingly. 

Contact/personal details

Always include your full name, phone number, and email address in a prominent location near the top of your bilingual resume. You may also want to include your LinkedIn profile URL. If you’re applying for jobs in different states or countries, consider giving your physical address, too. 

Summary/personal profile/objective

Your summary should be a concise rundown of your career goals, skills, and what you bring to the table. Keep it brief but impactful. Highlight your key strengths and what you aim to achieve in your professional journey.

Consider weaving in language from the job posting to showcase that you understand what the position entails. Tie your specific experiences and skills to the role you are applying for to frame yourself as a great candidate. 

Work experience

List your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your current job. Include the title, company name, location, and dates of employment for each position. Provide bullet points detailing your responsibilities and achievements. 


Detail your educational background, including the names and institutions, degrees obtained, and dates you attended. If you have studied in a country where the education system differs significantly from your target job market, include an explanation or equivalent terms to help employers understand your qualifications. 


If you have taken any courses to build your bilingual skills, list them here. This could include online courses, workshops, or certifications. 

While most employers will conduct some sort of proficiency testing, this typically occurs later in the hiring process. Providing a detailed breakdown of how you developed your bilingual skills can help you land an interview. 


Internships are a crucial part of your professional background, especially if those experiences played a role in developing your bilingual skills. If you developed your skills while participating in an internship program in a foreign country, provide lots of details about the experience. Make sure to state where you lived and how long you were there. 


Here is where you’ll list all of your skills and abilities, including the languages you speak. Ensure that you showcase abilities that align with the hiring team’s needs and the proficiencies listed on the job posting. You can use a simple bullet-point format here to make it skimmable. List the skill and provide a brief description after each point. 

You’ll have a chance to expand on a few of your most desirable skills in your cover letter. Look at our cover letter examples to see how to cross-reference your abilities in both documents. 


Briefly touch on your bilingual abilities in the “Skills” section of your resume. Create a separate “Languages” section to provide more details on your level of proficiency and how you acquired these talents. If you are a native speaker, this section can be relatively short. 

However, if you acquired the language later in life, explain how. Be detailed and include any courses, internships, and other experiences that contributed to your proficiency. 

Check out our resume template to ensure your job application documents include everything employers are looking for. Choose a complementary job letter template so that your documents support one another.

Expert Tip:

When listing your skills and experiences, prioritize those that are most relevant to the job. Tailoring your resume to a specific role can make a huge impact on the hiring team and increase your chances of landing an interview.

Do’s and don’ts when making a bilingual resume

Here are some do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when creating your bilingual resume:


  • Tailor Your Resume: Customize your resume for each job application and incorporate the terminology used by the employer 
  • Use Clear Language: Be concise, avoiding jargon and complex sentences
  • Proofread: Carefully review your documents to ensure they are free from errors 
  • Highlight Your Language Skills: Indicate your proficiency in each language and provide details to support your claims


  • Use Automatic Translation: A human translation will be more accurate
  • Mix Languages Within Sections: Keep each section in one language 
  • Forget Cultural Nuances: Consider cultural differences in professional settings
  • Overcomplicate Things: Keep your resume clean and straightforward

Adhering to these do’s and don’ts can help you create more engaging application documents. You can refer to our resume examples for more insights into what to do (and not to do) when applying for jobs. 

Creating a bilingual in English and Spanish resume 

Crafting a bilingual resume can help you appeal to job seekers who are seeking multilingual employees. A well-crafted bilingual resume showcases your language proficiency and cultural adaptability. By understanding the key differences between a bilingual and single-language resume, you can structure your document more effectively and stand out. 

Jobseeker is committed to helping candidates land their dream jobs by providing a variety of tools, resources, and templates. Our resume builder can assist you in showing off your abilities while also differentiating yourself from other applicants. 

Make sure to check out our cover letter generator and create a pair of engaging job application documents to increase your odds of landing an interview.  


(1) Forbes: Multilingual Speakers Wanted: Job Demand Surges For The Next 5 Years

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Sarah Edwards
Sarah Edwards
A seasoned HR writer with more than a decade of experience, Sarah crafts insightful guides and timely articles that help people grow their skills.

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